The government also gained land which they sold in public bidding, and a large amount of greenspace.
"On the contrary, we recognize the potential dangers associated with a lack of public bidding in such instances."
Those contracts have been renewed almost automatically with no public bidding since the early 1960's.
Leppert insisted that the contracts should be opened to public bidding instead.
When the money was approved, he said, the division would direct which companies would get the contracts without public bidding.
Often, the sales are negotiated without public bidding; such secrecy, critics say, can allow deal makers to hold down the sales price.
But all five contracts went to New York Waterway, three of them without public bidding.
Water Taxi said the lease was a flimsy reason to abandon public bidding.
The design phase will conclude with the preparation of construction documents, which will be put out for public bidding in mid-2012.
Each year recycling business entities are selected by a public bidding in every local municipality where a waste storage site is located.