Part of the unusual nature of Ms. Harrell's case has been her public contrition, apparent as well today.
Tepid public contrition does not account for and cannot balance the grief and pain of the multitude who suffered from American flame and fire.
Another form of punishment involves public contrition, requiring offenders to publicly recite their crimes, while apologizing to those who were hurt.
On the following day the Chief of Staff, in an uncharacteristic act of public contrition, acknowledged that he had made "mistakes".
Denial as an Option It is unclear whether that was an attempt to preserve the option of denying a drug habit while trying to offer public contrition.
Singaporeans awoke today to a startling act of public contrition in their morning newspapers.
Curtis Mahoney, the editor in chief of the law journal, said Mr. Camara was "under an obligation to show more public contrition" at the time of the incident.
Mr. Hu spoke out forcefully over the week and today, in effect engineering a rare and painful show of public contrition for which he may gain some public respect.
Prosecutions Are Demanded The current debate, in which a growing number of Chileans are demanding prosecution of military men for the executions or at least public contrition.
I do not think the Pope has any moral right to grant civil pardon and honor to the participating witnesses, to waive at least public contrition.