The public in Indonesia, a vast majority of whom are moderate Muslims, has expressed shocked at the violence on Saturday.
In that instance, the public was probably expressing disapproval of the press.
The public, they say, has expressed little concern about the size of campaign coffers.
After the massacre, the government and the public expressed a new level of outrage with gangland killings and shootouts.
In recent polls the public has expressed solid support for action on global warming.
The general public has also expressed dissatisfaction at times.
"public place" includes any place to which the public have access as of right or by invitation, express or implied.
But the public also expressed great doubt about Mr. Reaagn's ability "to accomplish his goals for the country in the next two years."
But they said the vigor with which the public had expressed its appreciation of the police since the terrorist attack is indisputable.
The public has expressed more confidence in the Democrats than Republicans on health care, entitlements, education, the environment and gun control.