That was not exactly news when it was finally reported in the public filing.
The board gave 10 top executives $12.4 million worth of restricted stock, according to a recent public filing.
It takes seven pages of its public filings to list all the lawsuits against the company.
But on Dec. 11, 2000, the terms of the deal were changed, according to public filings.
It is among the 10 most generous political contributors in the state, according to public filings.
It offered no reason for the departures in a public filing.
He lists assets of almost $11 million, according to public filings.
He still owns about 600,000 shares and options, according to public filings.
By 2003, it had received $5.9 million for its work, according to public filings.
But the company's public filings offer evidence of its financial potential.