The public granaries had been depleted because of a bad harvest the year before-though not so bad as this.
He also improved the agriculture of China, extending the Grand Canal, highways and public granaries.
Products from lands would be taxed and gathered in public granaries for the time of famine, war or natural disaster.
"Every certificate in existence calls for one measure of wheat, now held in the public granaries against a possible famine."
I suppose you, as keeper of the public granaries, know that we have not enough grain to redeem all the wheat certificates now in circulation.
The building is generally identified as a public granary.
In June he visited the current state of Guanajuato, for the announced purpose of opening a public granary.
The public granaries had been de- pleted because of a bad harvest the year before though not so bad as this.
Joseph brought with the money of the pharaoh a large amount of corn, having this then laid in the public granaries.
The grain ships were the source of contagion for the city, with massive public granaries nurturing the rat and flea population.