Besides his xenodochium, Masona instituted a system of public healthcare.
It is charged with administration and delivery of public healthcare in New Brunswick.
The quality of public healthcare offered to citizens is regarded as the "greatest triumph" of Cuba's socialist system.
The Court rejected Vermont's claims that the law was necessary to protect medical privacy and achieve improved public healthcare.
It is also active in advancement of the public healthcare and development aid.
Initial policies include a written constitution, improved public healthcare, and universal pre-school education.
At the same time, it pledged to protect public healthcare and education, saving money through efficiency and better management.
Although Greece is capitalist, it has adopted some socialist policies, such as public healthcare and free education, like many other European countries.
The annual cost of our system of universal public healthcare is now approaching £100bn - more than £1,500 a year for every man, woman and child.
They also have a tendency to use more Developmental Screening, especially those with public healthcare.