He might well pick someone not now in the public limelight.
From first to last he kept himself out of the public limelight.
Our side's only interest is to discredit the whole business and get it out of the public limelight as quickly as possible.
Out of the public limelight, Hughes drank white wine, smoked a cigar and played his drum set.
Fittingly, the artist's big moment in the public limelight came through a brush with Hollywood.
But I'm sure you appreciate the need for, shall we say, a quiet meeting out of the, ah, public limelight?
Most made their marks in quiet ways, out of the public limelight, but they still made a mark, possibly on your life and mine.
Muhoho Kenyatta runs his mother's vast family business but lives out of the public limelight.
In recent times, however, he has opted to step out of the public limelight to concentrate on writing.
Muhoho Kenyatta runs the family's vast business but lives out of the public limelight.