The 'electors', usually prominent citizens, then vote according to the public mandate in what is essentially a rubber stamping process.
Public individuals or organizations can also be required to fulfill public mandates.
"The public mandate was to ensure that the footprints contained the memorial," he said yesterday.
They also point to the public mandate of the 2005 election, during which the only anti-privatization party suffered a near complete loss.
Despite its heavy public mandate, serious disagreements appeared within the party.
He argues that there is no public mandate for such a coalition, also being dubbed a 'Salvation' administration by its supporters.
The obvious best outcome for Democrats would be to win control of both houses, allowing them to claim a public mandate.
From his first day in office, he saw no need to court the public, despite lacking a public mandate.
In this way it will gain a public mandate and public legitimacy in the free West.
In the process, it squandered the overwhelming public mandate it had received after Sept. 11.