I hope it meets with the public opprobrium it most certainly deserves.
The information leaked, however, and to escape public opprobrium Aspasia was forced to leave Greece.
Both are famous for never bending to public opprobrium and for pushing their agendas with single-minded assurance.
Especially because the company had experienced a serious blowout in the same gas field five years earlier, regulatory and public opprobrium was intense.
The Diggers were severely harassed and the movement eventually caved in under the weight of public opprobrium.
But for this chance encounter, the public opprobrium which later fell on Knox would have attached to Munro.
The latter crave infamy, and their life energy depends on continuous tabloid-oriented scandal and public opprobrium.
A period of sharp public opprobrium followed, traces of which, I suppose, will always remain.
I agree with him that we cannot of course hold NGOs up to public opprobrium because of one association or another.