It managed to do so by having its parent take its dividends not in cash but in more partnership units, thereby reducing the relative ownership of the public partners.
But it was an open system - with public and private partners - and it managed to send American visual artists to the major recurring international exhibitions.
Quixey's largest public partner is, a federated search engine that gets 3% of all U.S.-based query volume.
"This is a good example of where the public partner is missing in the public-private partnership," she said.
OCSE works with many public and private partners to increase child support collections and help parents meet the financial needs of their children.
In all four contracts the public partner is the local utility.
R&D staff and facilities are recognized and valued by industry, as demonstrated through many collaborative research projects and licensed technologies with public and private partners.
Each WAF city is linked to several peer cities and public and private partners to create a unique international coalition.
NSC has teamed with public and private partners to lead the effort to help reduce the number of deaths and injuries on the road.
Ensuring public safety and homeland security by advancing state-of-the-art communications that are accessible, reliable, resilient, and secure, in coordination with public and private partners.