Prostate cancer, the bane of middle-aged males, is a particularly curable, and common, affliction among public personages.
The wartime and postwar Churchill, even to his political adversaries, was a venerated public personage.
As such she became a public personage, open to public comment.
Together, Tom Thumb and Lavinia Warren became famous, perhaps the most famous public personages of the 1860s.
However, it is also typical of such a family to refer in their wills and trusts to a future unknown date that would become well-known, for example the date of death of a public personage.
"You are a public personage now, like the American President," she said.
From Author to TV Host Mr. Koch's remarks represent perhaps the ultimate step in his transformation into an almost totally public personage.
The importance of a public personage could be estimated by the number of layers of flappers cutting him off from ready congress with the plebian mob.
Governor Wise speaks far more justly and appreciatingly of him than any Northern editor, or politician, or public personage, that I chance to have heard from.
He was a public personage to thousands of persons who had never read his works.