Exchanges between officials and the industries they regulate are part of public policy-making.
From the 1970s, the use of the Delphi technique in public policy-making introduces a number of methodological innovations.
Cultural policy is the area of public policy-making that governs activities related to the arts and culture.
Conclusions regarding conditions promoting minority language-maintenance or extinction will be applied to public policy-making.
"The bill itself represents public policy-making at its worst."
Such an area is usually encouraged by public policy-making and planning, but sometimes occurs spontaneously.
First, it will clarify and consolidate existing knowledge about the role of the Treasury in public policy-making.
This helps to give a voice to consumers when it comes to public policy-making.
Pluralists are centrally interested in identifying who participates in public policy-making.
It is vital for developments, and in particular public policy-making, to take place with a maximum of transparency.