Both public and private polling continue to show education, health care and Social Security are the issues really on people's minds.
They are nominated by a jury of artists and professionals and voted for by public polling.
Besides the usual public polling by market research firms, other organizations have been attempting to predict the results of the upcoming election using alternate methods.
A novel method adopted for this competition is the selection process of public polling.
Recent public polling shows that 74% of Connecticut residents would prefer that the president be elected by popular vote.
No public polling has been done recently in the race, and people in both campaigns say it will be close.
The competition is hosted by the developer of the game, Valve, and winners are determined by public polling.
Winners are decided by public polling, allowing voters to thumbs-up or thumbs-down entrants through an online form.
After many local health care town halls and public polling, Hare backed off of his support of the public option.
By July 2006 public and private polling gave Fenty a roughly 10-point advantage.