Domestic surveillance and espionage, the use of torture for public recantations was not abolished but expanded.
So far there has been only one public recantation.
He was forced to make a public recantation and was burned in effigy at the Church of St Nicholas as a sign of his abjuration.
In 1575 he made a public recantation in Rome, and two years later went to Douai to study for the priesthood.
He made a public recantation in 1684, was excluded from his living in 1685-1688, and ended his career by being convicted of forgery in 1707.
In February 1522, Probst was compelled to make public recantation and repudiation of Luther's teachings.
Baron Zothnes talked to them; there was an autoda-f6 and public recantation.
Kane revealed himself to Marcion, and faked his public recantation, bringing the Black Hand back into the Brotherhood.
Among the possible punishments were prayer, pilgrimage, wearing a yellow cross for life, banishment, public recantation, or, occasionally, long-term imprisonment.
Also, I am a bit older than the rest of you, but you can perhaps understand that I don't want to drop dead without a proper and public recantation.