The death of an innocent girl caused widespread public revulsion and led to a major crackdown by the authorities.
Whether the latest round of public revulsion will be followed by reform depends on Congress.
The massacre revived public revulsion all over Europe.
They do worry about the increasing American public revulsion against using government funds and contracts to enrich the persecutors.
And was there ever any likelihood, considering the public revulsion at the murder, that she would receive a fair trial in the first place?
The evidence appeared in the inevitable public opinion polls which, as the campaign went on, reported public revulsion against "negative" campaigning.
"It is the first bubble in a wave of public revulsion at top management compensation."
"It's not like these are new concepts - the public revulsion with the proliferation of guns has just boiled over."
This resulted in public revulsion and a major crackdown against the Mafia that seriously weakened the organization.
To justified public revulsion, it has allowed them to make bonus payments as well.