He added that the department has gotten a "very favorable" reaction from the public safety committee of the county Legislature.
The mayor, who is also chairman of the city's public safety committee, often worked closely with Mr. Brame.
The bill is being reviewed by the Legislature's public safety committee.
And today, the unit will be the subject of a hearing of the City Council's public safety committee.
A public safety committee formed and collected signatures supporting the current existence of the park.
But even members of the public safety committee agreed last week that most people don't know you can validate a ticket worth millions that way.
On Wednesday, some residents took their news box complains to Community Board 8's street life and public safety committee.
The bill has currently passed the public safety committee, and will next be heard by the appropriations committee.
There will also be a separate public safety advisory committee.
In October 2007, he was appointed to the borough's public safety committee.