The public sense that property is being concealed is wrong.
Indeed, the public sense, right or wrong, is that they don't build 'em like they used to.
And they talked about a growing public sense that a school is, in part, a health care provider, leaned on heavily by working parents.
On the day of his performance, he wasn't going to let the public sense his anxiety.
And nothing seems to shake the public sense of prosperity.
In a public sense, I think that three months is considered adequate notice.
"Amenities in a public sense mean not just being able to pass through and have access to them, but to enjoy them."
No one knew yet, at least in the public sense, of Indelicato's fatal heart attack.
He said it was contributing to a public sense that the families are asking for too much.
It was generally used in a public sense, to describe government and its institutions.