They warned that the song could become a catalyst for public unrest.
Developments in the region may trigger public unrest, especially after Friday prayers.
The call followed growing public unrest with several confrontations between the trade union movement and the government.
But faced with public unrest, the Government has begun to use police powers to preserve order and production.
This issue is likely to create more public unrest than the unemployment figures announced today.
He was deposed as governor in 2002 after a period of great financial instability and public unrest.
Democrats hope the intervening weeks and public unrest with the war will cause more Republicans to break with the president.
As public unrest grew, a general strike was called for 8 August 1988.
Egypt had been significantly weakened by court intrigue and public unrest.
There are fears that the plans will lead to widespread public unrest with union leaders already calling a 24-hour general strike on 5 May.