"Bloodletting and public urination are lines you just don't cross," he said.
There's a litter issue as a result of them throwing coffee cups all over the place and public urination.
They say public urination is not a factor in the spread of disease.
But skeptics doubt that a lack of bathrooms explains public urination, particularly since most women seem to find their way to one.
"It was the most civilized public urination I've ever seen in my life," she said.
Apparently, no player could hold his own beer because public urination was an issue.
He often arrests a dozen people on a weekend night for public urination.
Most of those arrested for public urination are drunken men, but that has been changing.
Sixty-five summonses for public urination were issued, down from 119 the year before.
Oh, yes: late at night, there is occasional public urination, he added.