The reliquary is laid open for public veneration every August 17.
A replica is instead brought out into the city streets for public veneration whilst the original remains ensconced in its high glass alcove.
Both command the public veneration of the faithful and the skepticism of the unconverted.
Considered a holy person by many, public veneration of Pope Pius began soon after his death.
It is inconceivable, the agony with which this public veneration tortured him!
The relics are ceremoniously taken out and exhibited for public veneration on the feast day.
Posters and portraits and small statues are being produced for public veneration.
It was placed in front of the main altar for public veneration during the ceremony.
The recognition of Christian saints began with public veneration of martyrs in the early centuries of the church.
She is therefore worthy of "public veneration" by Catholics worldwide.