They were often placed on platforms to increase public visibility of the offender.
His public visibility, though never great, grew in his later years.
Ann Savage made live appearances with the film from 1985 to 2006, increasing public visibility as critical interest and analysis continued to grow.
Since then, the office has had more public visibility, including a speech by John Sawers in 2010 described as the first of its kind.
The polemic gave Pirjevec a high degree of public visibility.
He was always keen to maximise the popular appeal and public visibility of his works.
She had little public visibility and few political assets other than her father's name.
Over the next two years, the airline grew, as did its public visibility.
Yet his public visibility and popularity also pose a special problem, which became apparent even before he took office last year.
Now, with Disney writing history for tourism, the commission has been criticized as having no "public visibility."