All WWF's educational materials are high quality, professionally produced publications designed to help teachers in their everyday classroom work.
Many cities also have street newspapers, which are publications designed to provide employment opportunity to homeless people.
Many cities also have street newspapers or magazines: publications designed to provide employment opportunity to homeless people or others in need by street sale.
The society's publishing arm produces two scholarly journals and numerous other publications designed to fulfill the society's mission of disseminating nursing knowledge:
Building upon Mosten's work, Talia wrote several publications designed to help clients get the most out of unbundling.
Airmic produces internally a wide range of technical publications designed to support members in their work.
A publication designed to give them specific information on what is happening in their communities I felt would be valuable.
The Avonian is a publications designed specifically for Alumni.
The publication of such structured learning materials, designed for distance education, is unique in the field of open educational resources.
Yet Lear's has, to some degree, demonstrated that a publication carefully designed for an older audience can make it.