But aside from this, why did so few African-American and Hispanic publications even print reviews of the book?
The publication printed the proverb like this: "Eat an apple on going to bed, and you'll keep the doctor from earning his bread."
It is still the case, however, that, except for Human Events, no national publication will print my columns.
An estimated 900-1000 publications were issued with up to 40,000 copies printed per title.
As of its tenth anniversary issue (February 2009), the publication had printed stories by over 230 authors from 27 different countries.
A. I actually tend to review restaurants a bit later than almost all the other publications print or Web that regularly run restaurant reviews.
IT takes guts to give a book a title that many publications, including this one, can't print in its entirety.
The same publication can print important news and barely rewritten corporate press releases or pornography.
Braley was first published at the age of 11 when a small publication printed a fairy tale he wrote.
Most of the studios then estimate the entire weekend's box-office grosses, and these are the figures many publications print on Monday morning.