The book's publication provoked an immediate storm; newspaper and television coverage of the issue followed, as well as questions in Parliament.
The publications provoked slaveholders into publishing counter-narratives that portrayed slaves as intelligent people who loved being part of the plantation family.
Its publication provoked scandal, outrage and public hearings, and has been a source of significant academic controversy.
The publication of the images does not provoke any known protests from either Egyptian religious authorities nor the Egyptian government.
Its publication provoked widespread debate in both the domestic and international arena.
Instead publication of the first pamphlet provoked a drastic response.
Even though Secretary Rumsfeld had not approved the change, its publication provoked a reaction from some members of Congress.
Their publication provoked parliamentary inquiries in the UK, India, and Italy.
China's authorities routinely insist that "obscene publications," a loosely defined term, provoke criminality.
The publication provoked a scandal throughout former Yugoslavia.