In another, the 9th Circuit ordered a jury trial on the basis of publicity rights.
The publicity right of the subject is that their image may not be commercially exploited without his/her consent and potentially compensation.
His lawsuit asserts various California law causes of action, including claims for unfair business practices and publicity rights.
Entertainers and celebrities were concerned about protecting their property and publicity rights.
Mr. Hoffman filed a $5 million lawsuit against the magazine last year, saying his publicity rights had been violated.
Another claim against these businesses is that they violate state laws regarding publicity rights.
P10 holds publicity rights on many of the models in these images.
She stated it was a trademark infringement, and that Fox violated her publicity rights.
Corbis helped the band's production company negotiate a thicket of publicity rights.
Closely related to the subject of torts in some ways, is the area of publicity rights.