Rare and publicized events, such as 168 innocent people killed in Oklahoma City, color our thinking.
This was certainly more dramatic than the more publicized event that finished off the dinosaurs.
But he was also involved in some of the most publicized events in recent Connecticut history.
But his following does not stem from these widely publicized events.
Its New York premiere was one of the most publicized and controversial events of its time.
It wasn't often he agreed to public appearances and when he did it was never at a large, publicized event.
The most publicized event involved a white student who was tried by a disciplinary panel on charges of racial harassment; he had screamed an epithet at raucous black students.
Their most widely publicized events tend to be mass rallies held at football stadiums and similar venues.
The pursuit, arrest, and trial were among the most widely publicized events in American history.
It is interesting, then, that dresses created in such a spirit should be destined for the most publicized events in the world.