Ronald Reagan would never, ever have publicly labeled various groups of Democrats "thugs" or "Pharisees."
"You desperately want these experts to like you, because if they don't, it's almost like being publicly labeled a bad mother."
If a school misses AYP for a second consecutive year, the school is publicly labeled as being "in need of improvement."
If a school misses AYP for a fourth consecutive year, the school is publicly labeled as requiring "corrective action."
His high-profile appeal has in turn earned him the deep hatred of the state's largest gun-owners group, which has publicly labeled him a "liar."
The degree of attachment in the public eye may also impact whether or not the event is publicly labeled as a tragedy.
And I am quite certain that I've publicly labeled the entire Young clan as a herd of swine.
Still, this was the first time Sigomal had publicly labeled Aivas an abomination.
He studied the gaze of the man who had publicly labeled him "a fat monkey," and said he saw remorse.
Boeing has publicly labeled the damage "suspicious."