Early forms of Lotus Expeditor were first outlined publicly in 2001 in an article on IBM's Pervasive Computing Device Architecture.
The coalition contended that the rate of increase suggested when the commission staff publicly outlined its price-cap plan earlier this year would result in an extra $5 billion in charges by the local phone companies to long-distance carriers over the next four years, charges that long-distance callers would eventually pay.
Mr. Oba is the chairman of the Finance Ministry advisory group that began to outline publicly the arguments for maintaining Japan's trade surpluses.
In publicly outlining his decision to resign as president of Yale University to head a group designing a system of technologically innovative private schools, Benno C. Schmidt Jr. acknowledged today that the venture could end in failure but said that was a risk worth taking.
Still, the fact that Mr. Sensenbrenner publicly outlined the proposal may indicate that overhauling the bankruptcy system is a priority for him, said Todd Zywicki, a law professor specializing in bankruptcy at Boston College.
THOUGH they have yet to publicly outline what they are planning for a post-Hussein Iraq - and neither Congress nor the Administration has estimated what reconstruction it might cost - senior Bush administration officials say they are thinking about the problem.
Neither side would publicly outline the interim agreements.
India is also struggling with destabilizing insurgencies in the border regions of Kashmir, the Punjab and Assam, and Mr. Rao has yet to publicly outline any policies on the uprisings.
A8 Outlining Withdrawal From Iraq As Iraqi leaders reaffirmed their decision to finish writing the country's constitution by the middle of August, the American ambassador in Iraq publicly outlined the pending withdrawal of American troops from the country.
As Iraqi leaders on Monday reaffirmed their decision to finish writing the country's constitution by the middle of the month, the American ambassador here publicly outlined the process for a gradual American troop withdrawal.