Some have publicly promoted names for the speaker's job.
The term interest group refers to virtually any voluntary association that seeks to publicly promote and create advantages for its cause.
Gorton had initially been very popular, and was publicly promoted as an "average Aussie bloke".
Mr. Vlok implied that the police were obligated to move against anyone who publicly promoted its aims.
A Personal Present A few cosmetic doctors publicly promote surgical gift procedures.
In this case, this meant the Crown was obligated to show the protesters publicly promoted hatred against a racial or religious group.
Publicly and systematically promote an educational philosophy that values, upholds, and honors diversity.
As an academic, he publicly promotes scientific research findings in his areas of expertise, including molecular biology, high blood pressure, longevity, and cervical cancer screening.
British Airways has unveiled multi-million pound plans to publicly promote its sponsorship of London 2012 for the first time.