In 2006, Vinare became the first publicly quoted financial firm in the country.
In 1998 it was publicly quoted on the London Stock Exchange.
Strategic block investors tend to focus on publicly quoted companies but may also pursue more traditional private equity strategies.
There are also additional responsibilities and costs which come with being a publicly quoted company and these require careful consideration.
They are not publicly quoted and often are arranged for tax- or estate-planning purposes.
This discipline should be extended across the publicly quoted private sector.
And experts within and outside the Government are reluctant to be quoted publicly as giving up hope on the investigation.
The fund paid 25 cents a share for the stock in late 1992; the last publicly quoted price was 3 cents.
Give some thought to how employees can see the value of their shareholding if your company is not publicly quoted.
Live up to your publicly quoted beliefs in free expression of ideas or die because you were a hypocrite at heart.