Because the original proof was quite complicated, Martin published a shorter proof in 1982 that did not require as much technical machinery.
In 2006, Siu published a proof of the finite generation of the pluricanonical ring.
It is named after Garrett Birkhoff, who published a proof of it in 1937.
The theorem is named after R. Leonard Brooks, who published a proof of it in 1941.
In 1890 he published a new correct proof using successive approximations.
The result was announced by Paul Bernays in 1941, although he did not publish a proof until 1954.
Shaler Stidham published a different and more intuitive proof in 1972.
In 1983 he published a proof of the Manin-Mumford conjecture.
Stieltjes claimed in 1885 to have proven a weaker result, namely that was bounded, but did not publish a proof.