By December 2008 HMRC had published decisions, with Ministerial agreement, on these buildings - 258 have already been, or will be, vacated, and 235 will be retained.
In 1958, Kathmandu Municipality passed a resolution that it would accept applications and publish major decisions in Nepal Bhasa in addition to the Nepali language.
West, a privately owned company based in St. Paul, has been publishing judicial decisions for 112 years and is the leader in legal publications.
Many states have their own official state reporters, which publish decisions of one or more of that state's courts.
It published official declarations, decisions, and similar documents.
The Council of People's Commissars published decrees and decisions that were binding throughout the Soviet Union.
There are no New Jersey published decisions in that regard.
"We now have published appellate decisions in 10 cases under the California anti-Slapp law," Mr. Goldowitz said.
The California Reporter of Decisions publishes written decisions of the court as required for a common law legal system.
GAO publishes reports, testimony, and legal decisions on a daily basis.