Many fake novels were also published in his name as 'Vikrant' being its main character.
It was at this time, too, that the Society began to publish scholarly and also more popular books about Korea in its own name.
However, he agrees to allow Marlowe's 'posthumous' works to be published in his name.
Rather, it was written by someone else, and then given to Abdelraziq to publish in his name.
James completed the work, added details of his own father's life, and had it published in his father's name.
It is Bashō's earliest known book, and the only book he published in his own name.
Assuming it is written by Arjun, she publishes it in his name.
Over one hundred papers were published in his name during his time at Princeton.
Some books attributed to him and published in his name were actually written by volunteer ghostwriters.
They wrote 34 papers together, and she published an additional 12 in her own name.