The book was published in 1926, with a revised second edition released in 1933.
The work was first published in 1985, with a second expanded edition in 2000.
A German translation of the book was published in 1987 with a second edition in 1992.
An illustrated biography of his life was published in 1929, with a new edition a few years later.
The book was initially published in 1973, with a second edition in 2001.
His collected poems was published in 1913, with a second edition in 1926.
The finished collection of Tales was published in 1807, with a second edition coming out in 1809.
It was first published in 1965, with a new edition in 1995.
Three subsequent editions have been published since then, with a fifth edition due in late 2012.
It was published in 1830 with a 2nd edition in 1832.