By 1959, however, Chinese maps were published showing large areas west and south of the Macdonald line in China.
In the early 1960s a number of academic studies were published showing that the 'welfare state' had by no means abolished poverty.
However, as of 2005, there are no studies published showing increased risk of birth defects.
Conversely, in 2010, three new larger studies were published showing no increase in pregnancy rates from acupuncture.
The station's name was also changed to Christ's Hospital, with timetables published from 1968 showing the change.
Later, in approximately 1855, maps were published showing the modern "Departure Bay."
No peer-reviewed studies have been published showing the effectiveness of commercial systems in a clinical context.
That is why we are asking for short minutes to be published showing the arguments for and against a particular decision.
Over 500 articles have been published showing the effectiveness of the Lovaas technique for children with autism.
In 1507, the first map of the earth was published showing the Western Hemisphere.