And well she might: Ms. Daum's publisher, Viking, has arranged a 15-city tour, about 14 cities more than most writers get.
Her German and Dutch publishers had arranged matches for her; they would have to cancel them.
Since many passengers ask where they can buy a history of the islands, the author and publisher have arranged to have the books stocked aboard those ships as well as in bookstores.
The move reaped quick rewards when the new publisher arranged a writing session with Kelly Rowland through Universal A&R Max Gousse.
The publisher has already arranged to place 10 computers, gratis, in the office of President Vaclav Havel in Prague, and 800 to 1,000 more will soon be on their way, paid for by American foundations.
The publisher also arranges professional conferences under Figyelő's name.
So the publisher arranged a special printing of one million copies of three of her previously published romances, "Kaleidoscope," "Fine Things" and "Family Album."
Some small new publishers expect the Internet to become their primary distributor, and even some established publishers, like Simon & Schuster, are arranging to take direct Internet orders.
His publisher, G.P. Putnam's Sons, is arranging a reading and book-signing for him in the area.
The publisher arranges Nagiko's wedding to his young apprentice.