However, many publishers balked at giving Apple a 30 percent cut of subscription revenue.
However, many publishers balked at the rules, and Apple later relaxed them to allow greater pricing freedom.
(My Life was Clinton's second-choice title, after the publisher balked at naming the book I Am God, and You Are All My Subjects.')
Some investment firms are watching the auction for possible bargains if publishers balk, and some publishers have expressed interest in acquiring parts of the division, people involved in the talks said.
The publisher balked, resisting the notion of a Soviet protagonist, and insisted Smith return to the parameters of his original proposal.
Suffice it to say that his current autobiography, the fastest-selling book in Simon & Schuster's history, was titled "Private Parts" because the publisher balked at a more precise anatomical reference.
At 10.95 pounds, even the publisher balked, shaving some two pounds off second and third printings by using lighter paper.
Other publishers balk at the booming genres of Evangelical "prophecy books" because of the frequent emphasis on the place of Jews in God's plans.
Surely even the publishers of dime novels would balk at such an unlikely situation!
The publisher originally balked at publishing the third volume (after the first two had modest sales) without persuasion from Richardson's husband.