Sarita Cartonera is an innovative and original cultural agent that has changed the publishing scene in Lima.
After this, Bernard Heldmann published no further fiction under that name; while 'Richard Marsh' appeared on the publishing scene a few years' later.
It also provided an outlet for female writers, artists and photographers who had been shut out of a male dominated underground publishing scene.
International media organizations were busy remaking the American publishing scene last year.
The rising mystery writer then disappeared from the publishing scene for 18 years.
But the publishing scene had largely faded by the early 90's, until a small group of entrepreneurs from the music world revisited the genre.
Captain Africa's arrival on Nigeria's publishing scene in 1987 is part of a trend across Africa to decolonize comics.
This week, we feature a wild tour of the publishing scene in China, "The World's Biggest Book Market."
The present publishing scene in Poland is fascinating to observe.
From 1963 to 1970, he wrote a column on the publishing scene for The Saturday Review.