The economy of Beirut is diverse, including publishing, banking, trade and various industries.
In the publishing trade, the term is sometimes extended to material that would not be considered a novel if produced in another medium.
I don't know precisely how long he has been indulging in that intermittent exercise, whose seasons are ruled by the custom of the publishing trade.
Carol's father Harold also worked in the publishing trade, as the owner of the Curwen Press.
Gillian Harris looks at what constitutes a success in the eyes of the publishing trade and the book-buying public.
Such a low opinion of the publishing trade.
As summer vacation looms parents can buy everything from classic children's literature to what the publishing trade calls television tie-ins and - what next?
Paternoster Row was long associated with the publishing trade in London.
If the experiment bears fruit, we shall launch more initiatives for the promotion of the publishing trade in its role as a carrier of culture.
I have been asked to comment particularly on the applicability of some of these to the publishing trade.