His puckish face was drawn into lines of confusion, like a child who couldn't understand why Fluffy didn't just wake up from its nap.
He is a wide-shouldered man of 58 with a bald head and a clown's mobile puckish face.
The other was a gnome with a puckish face and bright beady eyes.
He was no more than twenty-five, with a puckish face and, apparently, a sense of humor to match.
He looked up at her puckish face under a brush of blonde hair-acolyte cut.
The other serving ladies were middle-aged but his practised eye had picked this one out; glossy red hair, a puckish face and an inviting smile.
For once her puckish face looked serious.
He was a jovial man in his mid-twenties, a little on the short side, with a puckish face and dark curly hair.
The lines of his puckish face drew down.
Every other billboard carries a picture of his puckish face or sloping profile, accompanied by his verse.