He pressed himself into his mother's skirts, holding onto them with pudgy fists.
Big pudgy fists writhed as though they would have liked to wrap themselves around Cranston's neck.
He clenched a pudgy fist so violently that blood began to stream down his palm.
He put down his sandwich and crumpled his napkin in a pudgy fist.
She grabbed a handful of chain and wrapped it around one pudgy fist.
Clumsily wiping her eyes with her pudgy fists, she reached the door.
She tucked a cracker into her son's pudgy fist.
Keever paid it from a fat bank roll that his pudgy fist could scarcely circle.
Perlmutter raised a pudgy fist as if he were reliving the battle.
The boy screamed, flailing at her with pudgy fists.