It was a tight squeeze and I puffed slightly in the stifling atmosphere.
Even after more than two weeks' acclimatisation, I felt slightly puffed on that final pass.
"That is my hope as well," said Chakotay, puffing slightly in the thick air.
Let rest until slightly puffed, about 20 minutes.
He emerged, puffing slightly, and they passed through the revolving door onto 31st Street.
The shape of his mouth changed, puffing slightly, as he slowly exhaled.
Baedecker was puffing slightly when they reached the front door.
His room was on the third floor, and Raphael was puffing slightly as he reached the top of the stairs.
He leaned upon his cane as she joined him at the crest of the hill, puffing slightly from the climb.
The guards stepped back and Asher came over, puffing slightly.