Silent, dark - with a pugnacious jaw and a sullen manner.
This man Burton had the same downward slant to his mouth, the same long nose and pugnacious jaw.
"This" was a young man with flaming red hair, a pugnacious jaw and appallingly shabby clothes.
The picture, however, was one of Heller in glasses with a pugnacious jaw and buckteeth.
And there was a caricature of the Whiz Kid with glasses, pugnacious jaw and teeth.
A severe woman with arching eyebrows, a pugnacious jaw and a flat-top, she is not ashamed to discuss her history.
Adric's pugnacious little jaw began to come forward in a miniature version of John's.
In person he is short and thick, with a pugnacious jaw.
The Welshman's pugnacious jaw was set firm.
Taller than Dhearic, he had a pugnacious jaw and almost as much white as red in his hair.