Over four days, its available cash declined from $18 billion to $3 billion as investors pulled funding from the firm.
This was interrupted when CTV and The N both pulled funding following the fourth season, which led to the cancellation of the series.
CTV and The N both pulled funding following the fourth season, and the execs chose to end the show.
Hawkes threatens to pull funding from the artificial heart project unless he is moved to the front of the queue for the next available donor heart.
When these original donors began to pull funding from Gaviotas in the 1990s, the villagers looked elsewhere for their income.
The original production company pulled funding for the project, so several changes were made.
Saskatchewan has recently joined Atlantic Canada in its efforts to curb abuse of OxyContin by also pulling public funding for the drug.
Construction was about 80% complete when Congress pulled funding on the site in 1993.
Yet again, it threatened to pull federal funding but backed away; federal funding makes up over half of King/Drew's $400 million operating budget.
On May 4, 2010, NorthernStar Natural Gas filed for bankruptcy, pulling funding for this project.