Lister made frequent attempts to pull guard and take Okami down to the ground, but was not able to secure any submissions.
Emelianenko rocked him early with punches and Nogueira pulled guard.
He was not able to pull guard for any considerable time.
Somebody had to pull guard, and the ranchhands were more useful elsewhere.
Transitioning directly from standing to the guard position is known as pulling guard.
In the first round, Strasser was immediately dropped by a punch to the head, but he successfully pulled guard, and the referee stood the fighters up.
You both pull guard in two hours.
Whoever is pulling guard will wake us up in time to grab a cup of coffee before we go.
They had a lot to learn about pulling guard in the jungle at night.
There was his name, but no longer in the list of those who were to draw spears from the armory and pull interior guard.