The doctor pulled on his head and it made the feeling come back to his right side and left foot.
Lined up neatly across the front stood all the nails that had been pulled out of the decorations, each balanced precisely on its head.
Istram asked, as Kilisha pulled the sheet back into place on her master's head.
Sedenko cursed me and pulled on his horse's head to move out of range.
Cap pulled low on his head, he looked into the window.
She was dressed for the interview in a conservative brown pantsuit, a straw hat pulled far down on her head.
He departs with his cap pulled down hard on his head, and the train is suddenly beyond Brooklyn.
I'm going to take this off now," she added, and pulled at the electrodes on her head.
Philips pulled his hat a little lower on his head.
The hat was pulled down low on his head.