The pair reunite when Connie reveals he has a granddaughter, and encourages him to receive treatment for his pulmonary condition.
Soon after, he was afflicted with a pulmonary condition which may have been tuberculosis.
Due to her bad pulmonary condition, she was promptly resuscitated.
The pulmonary condition of the intoxication due to oxygen toxicity is now called "Lorrain Smith effect".
He died of heart failure caused by a variety of pulmonary conditions, his son Richard said.
Colombière's zeal and the English climate soon combined weakened his health and a pulmonary condition threatened to end his work in that country.
Serious pulmonary (lung and breathing) conditions have been reported in patients using menotropins.
The Rockland County Health Department has advised residents with respiratory and pulmonary conditions to stay indoors and limit activities because of the heavy smoke.
The secondary effects, such as scoliosis and cardiovascular and pulmonary conditions, may worsen with advancing age.
At the time of his liberation by British forces he was in a state of total exhaustion and afflicted by a serious pulmonary condition.