Considered a sanatorium, it became an important teaching hospital for pulmonary illness.
The leaves are used to alleviate rheumatism and pulmonary illness.
From experience, she found that in a busy municipal hospital the special needs of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary illnesses tended to receive short shrift.
He died from pulmonary illness in Glasgow in 1878.
Morestin died from a pulmonary illness during the influenza epidemic of 1919.
Pedro Mir died peacefully on 11 July 2000 surrounded by his family, after a long pulmonary illness.
The man does not remember the names of his doctors there and says only that he suffered "some sort of pulmonary illness."
Epidemiologists also set up a system to monitor any unexplained pulmonary illness in hospitals serving the area.
The cause was pulmonary and cardiac illness, his family said.
The cause was a long pulmonary illness, his daughter, Nancy Tremaine, said.