If the next pulse doesn't arrive right on time, we'll stop the muffling pulses ten nanoseconds later.
As the Earth turned beneath them, successive pulses arrived, engulfing not just this one planet but the entire system.
Once the pulses arrive at the D600, the speaker's sophisticated electronic innards go to work on them and digest the digital data.
The same decision would be made a few seconds later, when the next pulse arrived.
When the pulses arrive at the space flitter at the same time, he's hi position.
Thus the delay lines had to be timed such that the pulses would arrive at the receiver just as the computer was ready to read it.
Two light pulses arrive with a gap of 800 ns and can therefore be easily separated.
This differs from a stationary target (or clutter) which will cause the reflected pulses to arrive at the same phase shift.
On Earth, where the fat old Planner sat chuckling on his golden chair, every momentary pulse of darkness arrived at once.
The times at which a pulse from a given lightning discharge arrives at several receivers can be used to locate the source of the discharge.