The pulsing blood became a pool.
The sight of the boy brought back to me in a shock the teasing pleasure of the naked woman on the stage, her prone body, the pulsing blood.
His breath froze as his lungs ceased their work; in his veins the pulsing blood, which had been stilled for so long, now congealed forever.
Joe pressed the back of his hand to the pulsing blood of his cut.
After studying hydrodynamics, they realized they needed a way to slow the pulsing blood as the vessels got tinier and tinier.
The pulsing blood dwindled to a trickle.
The singing in his veins grew to a shriek and the pulsing blood now screamed, distributing pain throughout his body.
The pulsing blood had reddened the bald spot between tufts of white hair.
I slid my hand inside and felt the wound, covering it with my palm, holding back the pulsing blood.
Mox felt the pulsing blood of battle.